pam_python is a PAM module that runs the Python interpreter, and so allows PAM modules to be written in Python.
- Author
Russell Stuart <>
The pam_python PAM module runs the Python source file (aka Python PAM module) it is given in the Python interpreter, making the PAM module API available to it. This document describes the how the PAM Module API is exposed to the Python PAM module. It does not describe how to use the API. You must read the PAM Module Writers Guide to learn how to do that. To re-iterate: this document does not tell you how to write PAM modules, it only tells you how to access the PAM module API from Python.
Writing PAM modules from Python incurs a large performance penalty and requires Python to be installed, so it is not the best option for writing modules that will be used widely. On the other hand memory allocation / corruption problems can not be caused by bad Python code, and a Python module is generally shorter and easier to write than its C equivalent. This makes it ideal for the system administrator who just wants to make use of the the PAM API for his own ends while minimising the risk of introducing memory corruption problems into every program using PAM.
Configuring PAM¶
Tell PAM to use a Python PAM module in the usual way: add a rule to your PAM configuration. The PAM administrators manual gives the syntax of a rule as:
service type control module-path module-arguments
The first three parameters are the same for all PAM modules and so aren’t any
different for pam_python. The module-path is the path to
Like all paths PAM modules it is relative to the default PAM module directory so
is usually just the string
. The first module-argument is the
path to the Python PAM module. If it doesn’t start with a / it is relative to
the /lib/security
. All module-arguments, including the path name to the
Python PAM module are passed to it.
Python PAM modules¶
When a PAM handle created by the applications call to PAM’s pam_start()
function first uses a Python PAM module, pam_python invokes it using Python’s
function. The following variables are passed to the invoked
module in its global namespace:
- __builtins__¶
The usual Python
- __file__¶
The absolute path name to the Python PAM module.
As described in the PAM Module Writers Guide, PAM interacts with your module by calling methods
you provide in it. Each type
in the PAM configuration rules results in one
or more methods being called. The Python PAM module must define the methods that
will be called by each rule type
it can be used with. Those methods are:
- pam_sm_acct_mgmt(pamh, flags, args)¶
The service module’s implementation of PAM’s pam_acct_mgmt(3) interface.
- pam_sm_authenticate(pamh, flags, args)¶
The service module’s implementation of PAM’s pam_authenticate(3) interface.
- pam_sm_close_session(pamh, flags, args)¶
The service module’s implementation of PAM’s pam_close_session(3) interface.
- pam_sm_chauthtok(pamh, flags, args)¶
The service module’s implementation of PAM’s pam_chauthtok(3) interface.
- pam_sm_open_session(pamh, flags, args)¶
The service module’s implementation of PAM’s pam_open_session(3) interface.
- pam_sm_setcred(pamh, flags, args)¶
The service module’s implementation of PAM’s pam_setcred(3) interface.
The arguments and return value of all these methods are the same. The pamh
parameter is an instance of the PamHandle
class. It is used to interact
with PAM and is described in the next section. The remaining arguments are as
described in the PAM Module Writers Guide. All functions must return an integer,
. The valid return codes for each function are
defined PAM Module Writers Guide. If the Python method isn’t present
pam_python will return pamh.PAM_SYMBOL_ERR
to PAM; if the method
doesn’t return an integer or throws an exception pamh.PAM_SERVICE_ERR
is returned.
There is one other method that in the Python PAM module that may be called by pam_python. It is optional:
- pam_sm_end(pamh)¶
If present this will be called when the application calls PAM’s pam_end(3) function. If not present nothing happens. The parameter pamh is the
object. The return value is ignored.
The PamHandle Class¶
An instance of this class is automatically created for a Python PAM module when
it is first referenced, (ie when it is execfile
’ed). It is the first
argument to every Python method called by PAM. It is destroyed automatically
when PAM’s pam_end()
is called, right after the execfile
module is destroyed. If any method fails, or any access to a member fails a
exception will be thrown. It contains the following
- PAM_???
All the
constants defined in the PAM include files version 1.1.1 are available. They are all read-onlyint
- authtok¶
PAM item. Reading this results in a call to the PAM library functionpam_get_item(PAM_AUTHTOK)
, writing it results in a callpam_set_item(PAM_AUTHTOK, value)
. Its value will be either astring
for the C valueNULL
- authtok_type¶
PAM item. Reading this results in a call to the PAM library functionpam_get_item(PAM_AUTHTOK_TYPE)
, writing it results in a callpam_set_item(PAM_AUTHTOK_TYPE, value)
. Its value will be either astring
for the C valueNULL
. New in version 1.0.0. Only present if the version of PAM pam_python is compiled with supports it.
- env¶
This is a mapping representing the PAM environment. pam_python implements accesses and changes to it via the PAM library function
. The PAM environment only supportsstring
keys and values, and the keys may not be blank nor contain ‘=’.
- exception¶
The exception raised by methods defined here if they fail. It is a subclass of
. Instances contain the memberpam_result
, which is the error code returned by PAM. The description is the PAM error message.
- libpam_version¶
The version of PAM pam_python was compiled with. This is a
. In version 0.1.0 of pam_python and prior this was anint
holding the version of PAM library loaded. Newer versions of PAM no longer export that value.
- pamh¶
The PAM handle, as read-only
. Possibly useful during debugging.
- py_initialized¶
A read-only
. If the Python interpreter was initialised before the pam_python module was created this is 0. Otherwise it is 1, meaning pam_python has calledPy_Initialize()
and will callPy_Finalize()
when the last pam_python module is destroyed.
- oldauthtok¶
PAM item. Reading this results in a call to the PAM library functionpam_get_item(PAM_OLDAUTHTOK)
, writing it results in a callpam_set_item(PAM_OLDAUTHTOK, value)
. Its value will be either astring
for the C valueNULL
- rhost¶
PAM item. Reading this results in a call to the PAM library functionpam_get_item(PAM_RHOST)
, writing it results in a callpam_set_item(PAM_RHOST, value)
. Its value will be either astring
for the C valueNULL
- ruser¶
PAM item. Reading this results in a call to the PAM library functionpam_get_item(PAM_RUSER)
, writing it results in a callpam_set_item(PAM_RUSER, value)
. Its value will be either astring
for the C valueNULL
- service¶
PAM item. Reading this results in a call to the PAM library functionpam_get_item(PAM_SERVICE)
, writing it results in a callpam_set_item(PAM_SERVICE, value)
. Its value will be either astring
for the C valueNULL
- tty¶
PAM item. Reading this results in a call to the PAM library functionpam_get_item(PAM_TTY)
, writing it results in a callpam_set_item(PAM_TTY, value)
. Its value will be either astring
for the C valueNULL
- user¶
PAM item. Reading this results in a call to the PAM library functionpam_get_item(PAM_USER)
, writing it results in a callpam_set_item(PAM_USER, value)
. Its value will be either astring
for the C valueNULL
- user_prompt¶
PAM item. Reading this results in a call to the PAM library functionpam_get_item(PAM_USER_PROMPT)
, writing it results in a callpam_set_item(PAM_USER_PROMPT, value)
. Its value will be either astring
for the C valueNULL
- xauthdata¶
PAM item. Reading this results in a call to the PAM library functionpam_get_item(PAM_XAUTHDATA)
, writing it results in a callpam_set_item(PAM_XAUTHDATA, value)
. Its value is aXAuthData
instance. When setting its value you don’t have to use an actualXAuthData
instance, any class that contains astring
and astring
will do. New in version 1.0.0. Only present if the version of PAM pam_python is compiled with supports it.
- xdisplay¶
PAM item. Reading this results in a call to the PAM library functionpam_get_item(PAM_XDISPLAY)
, writing it results in a callpam_set_item(PAM_XDISPLAY, value)
. Its value will be either astring
for the C valueNULL
. New in version 1.0.0. Only present if the version of PAM pam_python is compiled with supports it.
The following methods are available:
- PamHandle.Message(msg_style, msg)¶
Creates an instance of the
class. The arguments become the instance members of the same name. This class is used to represent the C API’sstruct pam_message
type. An instance has two members corresponding to the C structure members of the same name:msg_style
. Instances are immutable. Instances of this class can be passed to theconversation()
- PamHandle.Response(resp, ret_code)¶
Creates an instance of the
class. The arguments become the instance members of the same name. This class is used to represent the C API’sstruct pam_response
type. An instance has two members corresponding to the C structure members of the same name:resp
. Instances are immutable. Instances of this class are returned by theconversation()
- PamHandle.XAuthData(name, data)¶
Creates an instance of the
class. The arguments become the instance members of the same name. This class is used to represent the C API’sstruct pam_xauth_data
type. An instance has two members corresponding to the C structure members of the same name:name
also astring
. Instances are immutable. Thexauthdata
member returns instances of this class and can be set to an instance of this class.
- PamHandle.conversation(prompts)¶
Calls the function defined by the PAM
item. The prompts argument is aMessage
object or alist
of them. You don’t have to pass an actualMessage
object, any class that contains astring
and aint
will do. These members are used to initialise thestruct pam_message
members of the same name. It returns either a singleResponse
object if a singleMessage
was passed, or alist
of them of the same length as thelist
passed. TheseResponse
objects contain the data the user entered.
- PamHandle.fail_delay(delay)¶
This results in a call to the PAM library function
, which sets the maximum random delay after an authentication failure to delay milliseconds.
- PamHandle.get_user([prompt])¶
This results in a call to the PAM library function
, which returns the current user name (astring
) orNone
. If not known it asks the PAM application for the user name, giving it thestring
prompt parameter to prompt the user to enter it.
- PamHandle.strerror(errnum)¶
This results in a call to the PAM library function
, which returns astring
description of theint
PAM return value errnum.
There is no interface provided for the PAM library functions pam_get_data()
and pam_set_data()
. There are two reasons for this.
Firstly those two methods are provided so C code can have private storage
local to the PAM handle. A Python PAM Module can use own module name space
to do the same job, and it’s easier to do so. But more importantly it’s
safer because there is no type-safe way of providing access to the facility
from Python.
Diagnostics, Debugging, Bugs¶
The way pam_python operates will be foreign to most Python programmers. It embeds Python into existing programs, primarily ones written in C. This means things like debugging and diagnostics are done differently to a normal Python program.
If pam_python returns something other than PAM_SUCCESS
to PAM a
message will be written to the syslog
facility. The only
exception to this is when pam_python is passing on the return value from
a Python pam_sm_...()
entry point - nothing is logged in that case.
So, if your Python PAM Module is failing in mysterious ways
check the log file your system is configured to write
entries to.
Usually this is /var/log/syslog
or /var/log/auth.log
The diagnostic or traceback Python would normally print to sys.stderr
will be in there.
The PAM result codes returned directly by pam_python are:
Memory allocation failed.
The Python PAM module name wasn’t supplied.
The Python PAM module could not be opened.
A Python exception was thrown, unless it was because of a memory allocation failure.
called by PAM wasn’t defined by the Python PAM module.
If you have Python bindings for the PAM Application library then you can write
test units in Python and use Pythons pdb
module debug a Python PAM
module. This is how pam_python was developed.
I used PyPAM for the Python Application
library bindings. Distributions often package it as python-pam
. To set
breakpoints in pdb
either wait until PAM has loaded your module, or
it before you start debugging.
There are several design decisions you may stumble across when using
pam_python. One is that the Python PAM module is isolated from the rest
of the Python environment. This differs from a import
’ed Python module,
where regardless of how many times a module is imported there is only one copy
that shares the one global name space.
For example, if you import
your Python PAM module
and then debug it as suggested above then there will be 2
copies of your Python PAM module in memory -
the imported one and the one PAM is using.
If the PAM module sets a global variable you won’t see it in the
’ed one. Indeed, obtaining any sort of handle to the module
PAM is using is near impossible. This means the debugger can inspect variables
in the module only when a breakpoint has one of the modules functions in its
There are a few of reasons for this. Firstly, the PAM Module Writers Guide says
this is the way it should be, so pam_python encourages it. Secondly, if a
PAM application is using a Python PAM Module it’s important the PAM module
remains as near to invisible as possible to avoid conflicts. Finally, and most
importantly, references to objects constructed by the Python PAM module must
never leak. This is because the destructors to those objects are C functions
that live in pam_python, and those destructors are called when all
references to the objects are gone. When the application calls PAM library function
function pam_python is unloaded, and with it goes the
destructor code. Should a reference to an object defined by pam_python exist
after pam_end()
returns the call to destructor
will result in a jump to a non-existent address causing a SIGSEGV
Another potential trap is the initialisation and finalisation of the Python
interpreter itself. Calling the interpreter’s finalisation routine while it is
in use would I imagine be a big no-no. If pam_python has to initialise
the interpreter (by calling Py_Initialize()
) then it will call its
finaliser Py_Finalize()
when the last Python PAM module is destroyed.
This is heuristic works in most scenarios. One example where is won’t work is a
sequence like:
The above is doomed to fail.
An example¶
This is one of the examples provided by the package:
# # Duplicates pam_permit.c # DEFAULT_USER = "nobody" def pam_sm_authenticate(pamh, flags, argv): try: user = pamh.get_user(None) except pamh.exception as e: return e.pam_result if user == None: pam.user = DEFAULT_USER return pamh.PAM_SUCCESS def pam_sm_setcred(pamh, flags, argv): return pamh.PAM_SUCCESS def pam_sm_acct_mgmt(pamh, flags, argv): return pamh.PAM_SUCCESS def pam_sm_open_session(pamh, flags, argv): return pamh.PAM_SUCCESS def pam_sm_close_session(pamh, flags, argv): return pamh.PAM_SUCCESS def pam_sm_chauthtok(pamh, flags, argv): return pamh.PAM_SUCCESS
Assuming it and
are in the directory /lib/security
these rules to /etc/pam.conf
would run it:
login account requisite
login auth requisite
login password requisite
login session requisite